For Jumbled, Orange, NSW

โ€˜Sonic Bloomโ€™ is a heartstopping, lush explosion of colour for the Jumbled Store in Orange.

Bringing together native Australian flowers found in the Orange region in rich tones of mustard, pink, red and cobalt blue this mural work is a celebration of the natural world and togetherness. This mural was painted on the exterior of The Sonic in Orange along a 16m long and 6m high wall.

Featuring Wax Flower, Royal Grevillea, Silver Banksia, Snowy River Wattle, Wallangara white gum, Broadleaf Hakea, Daisy Bush, Kunzea Badja Carpet, Yellow Box, Flax lily and the Eggs and Bacon plant.

Photographs by Damien Milan

Check out my little interview on the Jumbled Blog here

The Central Western Daily even wrote an article about our collaboration! Have a read here

Have a listen to me chat about the project with Pip, the founder of Jumbled


Newtown Mural


Mural for Like Minds Cafe Avoca Beach